11:14 Show Time

Bong Water® Energized Soft DrinksTM

We're in The Movies!

Bong Water® Energized Soft DrinksTM

Feachered in a new movie that just finnished filming in Hollywood in September, 2002! We're excited about being a major motion picture. We don't know when it will be released, but we'll keep you posted. This picture is titled " 11:14 " and features such awsome talent as Accadamy Award Winning actress and major hottie Hilary Swank! Also starring Colin Hanks ( son of Tom Hanks ) and Ben Foster. { Both sent to us by the Movie } Rachel Leigh Cook - and - Kieran Culkin!


Whats the Bong Movie about? 11:14 is an ironic thriller that tells the stories of five suburbanites who's lives are interconnected in ways that they may never know! The puzzle unfolds chronicalogically backwards so that the movie ends where it began, at the omimous time 11:14 P.M.!

{ We not only supplied the Bong Water® , enjoyed by the cast & crew, we also sent them 200 Commemorative T-Shirts which we will } { make available via this web site soon.}